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Artists who inspire: Captain Manu – Part 2

Interview with Captain Manu part 2: Revealing the secrets of comic art

Have you ever wondered how great comic artists manage to create such dynamic action scenes and expressive characters? In this second part of our exclusive interview with Manuel Loza, known in the art world as Captain Manu, we’ll dive into the secrets behind his impressive work in the world of adventure comics.

Get ready to discover Manu’s favorite tools, his techniques for creating movement on paper, and his must-see recommendations for every comic lover. Join us on this fascinating journey to the heart of the creative process of one of the most promising artists on the scene!

By Chuky Rossi

Art as a reflection of reality: Social sensitivity in Captain Manu’s comics

When we talk about comics, we often think of superheroes and fantastic worlds. However, artists like Manuel Loza show us that this medium can be a powerful vehicle for reflecting and commenting on our social reality. In works like “Almer” and “Red Star,” Manu has managed to fuse the excitement of adventure with acute social awareness. Where does this unique perspective come from?

“I come from a house of activists, my mom is even a sociologist,” Manu reveals to us. “You know when, as a kid, they invited you to someone’s house and the mom would say, at this table we don’t talk about politics? I come from a house where, since I was a kid, it was, in this house, we don’t talk about anything other than politics, everything else is nonsense, let’s better discuss this measure, or the change in the cabinet.”

This early immersion in political and social discussions has left an indelible mark on Manu’s work. “This has always been present, and it’s very naturalized in my life, I even think that’s why it ends up appearing a lot in my stories, because it’s so present that if it doesn’t appear, it’s like something is missing.”

Image of a Captain Manu work with social content

Manu’s ability to interweave social themes with captivating narratives is a testament to how comic art can transcend mere entertainment and become a medium for reflection and social criticism. Want to learn how to convey powerful messages through your drawings? Discover how here.

The tools of the trade: Simplicity and experimentation

When it comes to the tools he uses to bring his creations to life, Manu surprises us with his minimalist yet innovative approach. “I use a round-tip brush, number three or number four, and India ink,” he explains. “I’ve almost always used just those two things for everything, even for making straight lines.”

However, the pandemic brought with it a period of experimentation for Manu. “I think now in the pandemic, I started to open up a bit more, and suddenly I’m using things like the toothbrush.” This openness to new techniques has enriched his work, allowing him to explore different textures and effects.

Captain Manu's drawing tools

A particularly interesting anecdote involves an unexpected gift: “Something very nice happened to me, now I’m living in Sole Otero’s house, who’s living in France, she emptied it and I’m renting it, she gave me brushes and Pentel. One is broken, and instead of making one point it makes like three points, so I use it to make textures and it drives me crazy.”

This combination of traditional techniques with unconventional methods demonstrates that creativity often flourishes at the intersection of the familiar and the new. Click here to explore new techniques and tools that can revolutionize your art.

The charm of watercolor: An unexpected journey

Manu’s relationship with watercolor began in a rather unusual way. “I think one of the things that made me use watercolors was that I used to live with a girlfriend a long time ago when I was studying, who was a classmate from college. She painted with oil, and we lived in a very, very small apartment, and I always ended up with a headache, or kind of nauseated from the smell of it and the turpentine.”

This experience led him to seek more friendly alternatives. “I think out of rejection, I started painting with watercolors, which has no smell at all, doesn’t ruin your clothes, cleans easily, and is easy to transport too, all the opposite of oil.”

Watercolor work by Captain Manu

Although Manu confesses that he doesn’t have many comics done in watercolor, this technique has become an important part of his work, especially for commissions. “I generally use watercolors for commissions that represent a very good income for me. I also do loose drawings with watercolor, just now, I was doing a comic in watercolor a few months ago, because I want to have one, see how it turns out.”

The versatility of watercolor and its ability to create unique effects make it a valuable tool in any artist’s arsenal. Interested in mastering the art of watercolor? Enter here to perfect your skills.

The secret behind action poses: Imagination and experience

One of the most impressive aspects of Manu’s work is his ability to create dynamic and convincing action poses. Surprisingly, his approach is not based on the use of photographic references. “No, I don’t use references, I don’t like looking at photos, because when I copy one too much, it shows and looks stiff, ugly, I imagine the action poses,” he explains.

Instead, Manu draws on his personal experience and creative techniques to inspire his drawings. “I did 8 years of boxing, and I think it helped me a lot. I know how an arm moves, how to make a punch, it helps me think about that when drawing.”

Additionally, he has a unique method for generating pose ideas: “Another thing that helps me a lot to come up with poses is collecting action figures. Look, I have a Flash in my hand here, as I’m very anxious, I always have them in my hand, and I move them and put them in poses, sometimes many come from there. I arrange the figure like running and say, wow, what a good pose, and it stays in my head.”

Action poses drawn by Captain Manu

This approach demonstrates that constant observation and experimentation can be more valuable than relying exclusively on photographic references. Want to take your action poses to the next level? Discover more techniques here.

Passions and challenges: The heart of the artist

When asked what he likes to draw the most, Manu responds without hesitation: “I think people beating each other up. For sure.” This preference for action scenes is clearly reflected in the energy and dynamism of his works.

However, what’s fascinating is his attitude towards artistic challenges. “Well, you know it’s kind of crazy there, because one doesn’t like to draw what’s difficult for them, lately, more and more, I’m wanting to draw what’s challenging for me.”

Manu shares a recent experience that illustrates this philosophy: “For example, recently, I did an all-erotic Inktober, because it was very difficult for me, so I said, I’m going to spend a whole month, drawing this non-stop, and I liked it, I like the feeling.”

Challenging drawing by Captain Manu

This willingness to face his own limitations and constantly challenge himself is what keeps Manu’s work fresh and evolving. “It happens to me that I like drawing people hitting each other so much, and I draw it so much, that they come out easily, so suddenly I say, no, I want to be thinking about the drawing, and thinking about how I can make this fabulous.”

The lesson here is clear: artistic growth often comes from stepping out of our comfort zone and facing what we find difficult. Are you ready to challenge your artistic limits? Explore new possibilities here.

Recommendations from a master: Hidden gems of the comic world

To close our interview, we asked Manu to share some of his comic recommendations. His first suggestion takes us to a contemporary work that deeply impacted him: “The last one that hit me hard is called ‘On a Sunbeam’, by Tillie Walden, a very young author, who’s like 24 years old, and makes these books that are like 1000 pages.”

Manu highlights Walden’s achievement: “She won an Eisner, she’s one of the youngest people to win it. It’s a great novel, it’s Star Wars but a romantic story within it, I mean, it’s Star Wars but at the same time it’s not.” This intriguing description invites us to explore how young artists are redefining the boundaries of the genre.

When it comes to his all-time favorite comics, Manu offers us an eclectic list:

  • “Lupus” by Frederik Peeters
  • “Berserk” by Kentaro Miura
  • “Head Lopper” by Andrew MacLean

These recommendations offer a glimpse into the diversity of styles and narratives that have influenced Manu’s work, from introspective science fiction to epic fantasy and stylized action.

Conclusion: The art of comics as an endless journey

Throughout this interview, Captain Manu has taken us on a fascinating journey through the world of comic art. From his roots in family political discussions to his experimentation with new tools and techniques, Manu embodies the spirit of an artist in constant evolution.

His focus on social sensitivity, combined with his passion for action and movement, creates a unique style that captivates readers of all ages. Manu’s willingness to face challenges and explore new artistic territories is an inspiration to all who aspire to improve their art.

The lessons we can draw from Manu’s experience are invaluable:

  1. Don’t be afraid to incorporate your personal experiences and passions into your art.
  2. Simplicity in tools can lead to great creativity.
  3. Constantly challenge yourself to avoid artistic stagnation.
  4. Observation and experience can be more valuable than photographic references.
  5. Keep an open mind and explore different styles and genres to enrich your work.

For those looking to follow in the footsteps of artists like Captain Manu, the path may seem challenging, but also incredibly rewarding. If you’re ready to take your comic art to the next level, click here and discover how you can transform your passion into mastery.

We greatly appreciate Manuel Loza for sharing his time and knowledge with us. His passion, creativity, and dedication are truly inspiring. We invite you to follow Captain Manu’s work on his social media (@manucapt) to stay up to date with his latest creations and projects.

Remember, the artist’s journey never ends. Each stroke, each story, each challenge overcome is another step on the path to excellence. So grab your pencils, brushes, or digital tablet, and start creating your own universe of stories and characters. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next big name in the comic world that we’ll be interviewing in the future.

Until the next interview, comic lovers and future artists! Keep drawing, creating, and above all, enjoying the wonderful world of sequential art.

Join us

Interview with Captain Manu part 2: Revealing the secrets of comic art

Have you ever wondered how great comic artists manage to create such dynamic action scenes and expressive characters? In this second part of our exclusive interview with Manuel Loza, known in the art world as Captain Manu, we’ll dive into the secrets behind his impressive work in the world of adventure comics.

Get ready to discover Manu’s favorite tools, his techniques for creating movement on paper, and his must-see recommendations for every comic lover. Join us on this fascinating journey to the heart of the creative process of one of the most promising artists on the scene!

By Chuky Rossi

Art as a reflection of reality: Social sensitivity in Captain Manu’s comics

When we talk about comics, we often think of superheroes and fantastic worlds. However, artists like Manuel Loza show us that this medium can be a powerful vehicle for reflecting and commenting on our social reality. In works like “Almer” and “Red Star,” Manu has managed to fuse the excitement of adventure with acute social awareness. Where does this unique perspective come from?

“I come from a house of activists, my mom is even a sociologist,” Manu reveals to us. “You know when, as a kid, they invited you to someone’s house and the mom would say, at this table we don’t talk about politics? I come from a house where, since I was a kid, it was, in this house, we don’t talk about anything other than politics, everything else is nonsense, let’s better discuss this measure, or the change in the cabinet.”

This early immersion in political and social discussions has left an indelible mark on Manu’s work. “This has always been present, and it’s very naturalized in my life, I even think that’s why it ends up appearing a lot in my stories, because it’s so present that if it doesn’t appear, it’s like something is missing.”

Image of a Captain Manu work with social content

Manu’s ability to interweave social themes with captivating narratives is a testament to how comic art can transcend mere entertainment and become a medium for reflection and social criticism. Want to learn how to convey powerful messages through your drawings? Discover how here.

The tools of the trade: Simplicity and experimentation

When it comes to the tools he uses to bring his creations to life, Manu surprises us with his minimalist yet innovative approach. “I use a round-tip brush, number three or number four, and India ink,” he explains. “I’ve almost always used just those two things for everything, even for making straight lines.”

However, the pandemic brought with it a period of experimentation for Manu. “I think now in the pandemic, I started to open up a bit more, and suddenly I’m using things like the toothbrush.” This openness to new techniques has enriched his work, allowing him to explore different textures and effects.

Captain Manu's drawing tools

A particularly interesting anecdote involves an unexpected gift: “Something very nice happened to me, now I’m living in Sole Otero’s house, who’s living in France, she emptied it and I’m renting it, she gave me brushes and Pentel. One is broken, and instead of making one point it makes like three points, so I use it to make textures and it drives me crazy.”

This combination of traditional techniques with unconventional methods demonstrates that creativity often flourishes at the intersection of the familiar and the new. Click here to explore new techniques and tools that can revolutionize your art.

The charm of watercolor: An unexpected journey

Manu’s relationship with watercolor began in a rather unusual way. “I think one of the things that made me use watercolors was that I used to live with a girlfriend a long time ago when I was studying, who was a classmate from college. She painted with oil, and we lived in a very, very small apartment, and I always ended up with a headache, or kind of nauseated from the smell of it and the turpentine.”

This experience led him to seek more friendly alternatives. “I think out of rejection, I started painting with watercolors, which has no smell at all, doesn’t ruin your clothes, cleans easily, and is easy to transport too, all the opposite of oil.”

Watercolor work by Captain Manu

Although Manu confesses that he doesn’t have many comics done in watercolor, this technique has become an important part of his work, especially for commissions. “I generally use watercolors for commissions that represent a very good income for me. I also do loose drawings with watercolor, just now, I was doing a comic in watercolor a few months ago, because I want to have one, see how it turns out.”

The versatility of watercolor and its ability to create unique effects make it a valuable tool in any artist’s arsenal. Interested in mastering the art of watercolor? Enter here to perfect your skills.

The secret behind action poses: Imagination and experience

One of the most impressive aspects of Manu’s work is his ability to create dynamic and convincing action poses. Surprisingly, his approach is not based on the use of photographic references. “No, I don’t use references, I don’t like looking at photos, because when I copy one too much, it shows and looks stiff, ugly, I imagine the action poses,” he explains.

Instead, Manu draws on his personal experience and creative techniques to inspire his drawings. “I did 8 years of boxing, and I think it helped me a lot. I know how an arm moves, how to make a punch, it helps me think about that when drawing.”

Additionally, he has a unique method for generating pose ideas: “Another thing that helps me a lot to come up with poses is collecting action figures. Look, I have a Flash in my hand here, as I’m very anxious, I always have them in my hand, and I move them and put them in poses, sometimes many come from there. I arrange the figure like running and say, wow, what a good pose, and it stays in my head.”

Action poses drawn by Captain Manu

This approach demonstrates that constant observation and experimentation can be more valuable than relying exclusively on photographic references. Want to take your action poses to the next level? Discover more techniques here.

Passions and challenges: The heart of the artist

When asked what he likes to draw the most, Manu responds without hesitation: “I think people beating each other up. For sure.” This preference for action scenes is clearly reflected in the energy and dynamism of his works.

However, what’s fascinating is his attitude towards artistic challenges. “Well, you know it’s kind of crazy there, because one doesn’t like to draw what’s difficult for them, lately, more and more, I’m wanting to draw what’s challenging for me.”

Manu shares a recent experience that illustrates this philosophy: “For example, recently, I did an all-erotic Inktober, because it was very difficult for me, so I said, I’m going to spend a whole month, drawing this non-stop, and I liked it, I like the feeling.”

Challenging drawing by Captain Manu

This willingness to face his own limitations and constantly challenge himself is what keeps Manu’s work fresh and evolving. “It happens to me that I like drawing people hitting each other so much, and I draw it so much, that they come out easily, so suddenly I say, no, I want to be thinking about the drawing, and thinking about how I can make this fabulous.”

The lesson here is clear: artistic growth often comes from stepping out of our comfort zone and facing what we find difficult. Are you ready to challenge your artistic limits? Explore new possibilities here.

Recommendations from a master: Hidden gems of the comic world

To close our interview, we asked Manu to share some of his comic recommendations. His first suggestion takes us to a contemporary work that deeply impacted him: “The last one that hit me hard is called ‘On a Sunbeam’, by Tillie Walden, a very young author, who’s like 24 years old, and makes these books that are like 1000 pages.”

Manu highlights Walden’s achievement: “She won an Eisner, she’s one of the youngest people to win it. It’s a great novel, it’s Star Wars but a romantic story within it, I mean, it’s Star Wars but at the same time it’s not.” This intriguing description invites us to explore how young artists are redefining the boundaries of the genre.

When it comes to his all-time favorite comics, Manu offers us an eclectic list:

  • “Lupus” by Frederik Peeters
  • “Berserk” by Kentaro Miura
  • “Head Lopper” by Andrew MacLean

These recommendations offer a glimpse into the diversity of styles and narratives that have influenced Manu’s work, from introspective science fiction to epic fantasy and stylized action.

Conclusion: The art of comics as an endless journey

Throughout this interview, Captain Manu has taken us on a fascinating journey through the world of comic art. From his roots in family political discussions to his experimentation with new tools and techniques, Manu embodies the spirit of an artist in constant evolution.

His focus on social sensitivity, combined with his passion for action and movement, creates a unique style that captivates readers of all ages. Manu’s willingness to face challenges and explore new artistic territories is an inspiration to all who aspire to improve their art.

The lessons we can draw from Manu’s experience are invaluable:

  1. Don’t be afraid to incorporate your personal experiences and passions into your art.
  2. Simplicity in tools can lead to great creativity.
  3. Constantly challenge yourself to avoid artistic stagnation.
  4. Observation and experience can be more valuable than photographic references.
  5. Keep an open mind and explore different styles and genres to enrich your work.

For those looking to follow in the footsteps of artists like Captain Manu, the path may seem challenging, but also incredibly rewarding. If you’re ready to take your comic art to the next level, click here and discover how you can transform your passion into mastery.

We greatly appreciate Manuel Loza for sharing his time and knowledge with us. His passion, creativity, and dedication are truly inspiring. We invite you to follow Captain Manu’s work on his social media (@manucapt) to stay up to date with his latest creations and projects.

Remember, the artist’s journey never ends. Each stroke, each story, each challenge overcome is another step on the path to excellence. So grab your pencils, brushes, or digital tablet, and start creating your own universe of stories and characters. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next big name in the comic world that we’ll be interviewing in the future.

Until the next interview, comic lovers and future artists! Keep drawing, creating, and above all, enjoying the wonderful world of sequential art.

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