What People Say About TFC
We will open 20 limited spots to enter at $2.99 per month…
That it… No $19.99 per month. Only $2.99
Because in TFC we have members from all over the world, and…
We believe that learning to draw is something that everyone should be able to access…
Regardless of the economic situation…
It is something that when you start to master it in a planned way…
Gives indescribable happiness and pleasure!
That’s why we are always happy when we can do it…
To open extremely limited spaces for those who are really connected with TFC…
To enter at a price… almost ridiculous!
Accessible to any country on the planet… that’s our mission.
Of course, we ask for this special price to be annual payment… only 34.99.
The real price is 228, so is a saving of $193 dollars OFF from the real price.
And forever…
You can check all the detailed benefits of the membership on our premium page clicking here.
If you are really interested…
Just click on the button below to add you to the waiting list first…
And to be notified the release day by email.
If you do not click the button…
We will not be able to notify you and another future member will take your place.
So, click the red button to be added to the waiting list to enter at $2.99… 👇
And stay tuned to your inbox!
Sergio Suarez
Miembro TFC
★★★★★ 5/5
He mejorado en pocos días lo que no habia podido mejorar en meses, gracias al metodo fantastico que tienen y contenido de alta calidad! Gracias
Horacio Lalia
ilustrador Profesional
★★★★★ 5/5
Sin duda recomiendo Training For Comics, sobre todo por su excepcional método de entrenamiento para ilustradores de todo tipo.