20 Professions to earn money drawing

In the following article we will mention the best professions so that, with the help of social networks, different media and a good portfolio, you can start working drawing, and of course to earn money with it.

20 profesiones para ganar dinero dibujando, imagen doble

Do you want to know how to turn your hobby into a fabulous profession? We tell you how to organize yourself to achieve it!

Find out which are the 20 professions to earn money drawing!

Surely if some time ago we told our parents that we had the vocation of being a cartoonist or graphic artist, most of them would have answered: Then your destiny will not be successful, you will not earn money, tell me how you will live, how will you support yourself and your future family drawing?

Then, the second advice would be: Why don’t you choose a career that guarantees a fixed income? you can be a doctor, architect, lawyer, engineer, etcetera.
So our dreams of being an artist vanished in the blink of an eye, right? Read on!

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Most people probably think that being a graphic artist is just a hobby, and they won’t make a living out of it. Let’s say that a long time ago this thought could be reasonable, it’s true, but not now.

Time passed and we are immersed in an era where there are no barriers to be able to spread all our knowledge and skills achieved. Therefore, objective thinking is modified, since one must adapt to these changes or else resign oneself to achieve one’s dreams.

We must not give up, on the contrary, since there are no barriers to dissemination, we are at our best moment to achieve it.

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The time is now, make the most of it!

Today, a doctor, a lawyer, an architect, or someone who has a trade, has a very limited range of job opportunities, since this is limited to their country, city, or in many cases only to their town.

We do not mean by this that these professions do not have a global reach, simply that the interaction with someone who lives in another continent is more complex.

In art (and let’s say this goes for any art form you choose) that barrier is totally open to anyone who decides to cross it. There are no limitations.

How do you tell your son or your friend not to study drawing because there are no job opportunities for that? Today the world is waiting anxiously to see what you have to offer!

If your work is good, be sure that there is someone you don’t know yet, who will be willing to hire you and risk their money with you to bring a project to life.

dibujo en blanco y negro de comic

It is key that you follow these steps to get it.

You have to do your homework right! Just as if you decided to start a university career. Being a doctor can take you 5 or 6 years and maybe more if you do specializations, and you have no guarantee that you will be successful.

In an artistic career it is exactly the same, you must work hard, study hard and prepare yourself for a few years until you can present works comparable to those of a professional.

From there, what at the beginning was a hobby begins to acquire a great technical level, and then, with a good diffusion, people interested in acquiring your services appear. This is how you gradually establish your name in the industry and begin to walk a path of success, well paid and with a fabulous future.

dibujo de mujeres vestidas a la moda

It is important to keep in mind that now the possibility of adding digital format to all your creations increases even more the labor offer. This added to the fact that social networks have become the medium par excellence for the dissemination of all kinds of artistic creations.

You can earn money drawing, it is important that you know it!

The possibilities of channeling your skills are enormous, there are many professions that require a developed creative and artistic sense.

An illustrator nowadays is a professional who can work not only in one, but in many sectors addressing several areas simultaneously, which means being able to take care of different jobs at the same time.

dibujo en blanco y negro de historieta

In these circumstances, many illustrators set up their own studios where they hire assistants (they are generally good artists, who are making their first steps) so they can take on different paid projects and obtain higher earnings.

We can say that, sometimes, it is preferable to earn a little less and delegate the work, in this way, it is possible to present good quality works in time and form. This is very beneficial to give solidity to your image as an artist. It’s all a matter of organization.

dibujos estilo tatuaje realista

Here’s what you should do to get started

If you still don’t know what you can do as an experienced artist, here are some of the infinite possibilities you can develop:

We will always start with drawing, which is the solid base from which to start, by drawing you will acquire extensive knowledge of composition, human figure, perspective, light and shadow, proportion, backgrounds and scenery, character creation, etc. Then you continue with color and digital illustration, to later incorporate the different specializations according to your preferences.

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While you go through this process, you need to prepare a good portfolio to show your best work through social networks and thus make the most of these 20 professions to earn money drawing.

In this way, you will be able to start contacting different companies, and, as your artistic ability grows, you will replace in your portfolio the samples that are surpassed by new ones that you consider of a higher level.

imagen de niños dibujando

Here we present you 20 professions to earn money drawing and thus start a fascinating working future:

  • Comics or Manga for children or adults.
  • Illustration of children’s books and magazines.
  • Matte Painting for film and audiovisuals.
    (Matte Painting is mainly used in film or audiovisual production, the intention of this technique is to generate realistic scenarios without having to build expensive or impossible scenarios).
  • Illustration of posters, book and magazine covers.
  • Development of scenarios and characters for videogames.
  • Character creation for commercial and entertainment animation.
  • Tattoos Digital marketing companies.
  • Personalized or distance learning.
  • Industrial design.
  • Concept art for film, video games and products.
  • Realistic portraits and caricatures.
  • Fashion design, figurines.
  • Animated videos for advertising.
  • Graphic design.
  • Storyboard for films and advertising.
  • Special effects for cinema.
  • Illustration for role playing games, board games or cards.
  • Scientific and medical illustration.
  • Digital colorist.
imagen de dibujos de Jordan Grimmer

And the list is endless, since there are not only companies that design videogames or publish books and magazines. There are also a multitude of studios that are hired by these companies to create art, images, concept art, designs, and illustrations of all kinds.


As we mentioned at the beginning and during the article, the time to start earning money drawing is now, the power of diffusion that exists today, is fabulous. You will see that the job opening is expanding more and more, providing new possibilities day by day, bringing you closer to your dream.

You have to take advantage of it! We show you the way to do it in the article, but keep in mind that: Work and success as a result of effort are there, waiting. It’s just a matter of setting your mind to it and going for it.

What are you waiting for?

P.S. In case you want to get faster results, we will be happy to help you with your goals, click here and join premium along with thousands of illustrators.

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