4 key facts to start an online course

In this article we will deal with the subject of online courses, since, logically, today they are more frequent than before, but you will have to follow some guidelines to achieve a good methodology Do you want to know what they are? There are 4 key facts to start an online course, read on!

This is what you should know before starting an online course.

Nowadays, taking online classes is much more common than it was 10 years ago.

On the one hand, major technological developments have allowed us to record quality videos and have video conferences. All this with just a phone or a computer.

The advent of the pandemic, and the impossibility, or unwillingness, to leave home, made it a propitious context to start studying remotely.

foto con 4 datos claves para comenzar un curso online

You may ask yourself, is taking an online course equivalent to taking traditional classes?

Let’s take a look!

1. Set study times

Each way has its advantages and disadvantages, as you can imagine.

Attending an in-person drawing workshop has the limitation of having to go to class at a certain time and place.

In online courses you can purchase a package of classes, where you can manage your time as you wish. If you want to take all the classes quickly, or in extravagant schedules that suit you comfortably, it would not be a problem.

Beyond the above, in order to obtain good results, it is advisable to form a study habit.

You have to be constant, although you can take classes in the bathroom or while cooking, surely, you can benefit more if you set aside a time in your schedule to sit down and exercise. This way, you will be able to give 100% of your attention to what you have to do.

Learning any discipline implies a cognitive challenge, beyond the good teacher you have.

Try to choose a relatively fixed day and time, in which you know that no one will disturb you, so you can dedicate yourself to take your classes.

Important recommendation: It is your space, take care of it.

dibujo de espacio de trabajo de dibujo

2. Get the materials beforehand

One of the advantages of attending an in-person workshop if you are forgetful, is that if your classmates or teachers are supportive, they can lend you the drawing materials you left at home.

Logically, this is impossible in an online workshop, but it brings other benefits.

When you start an online course, they usually inform you what materials or tools you will need. This way, you can buy them all together, and leave them in a dedicated space, without the risk of losing them.

You will never forget your materials at home, nor will you lose them on the way, nor will they disappear in the hands of a confused colleague. In addition, having all your materials available from the beginning will allow you to experiment freely before, during or after class.

Buying all the materials together can be expensive, but trust me, it’s worth it.

Is lighting and working environment important? Yes, it is!

3. Put yourself in a comfortable, well-lit place

Drawing or cartooning schools usually have tables and chairs ready for you to sit down and work without much ado.

When taking online classes, you have to build your own space according to what you need.

Clearly, it’s not sitting on the couch looking at your computer screen, resting a sheet on your knee without any support. Or using the kitchen table when the dishes are still on it.

Taking online classes is beautiful, gives you freedom, and promotes autonomy, but it requires responsibility.

Organizing your space will give you more motivation!

espacio de trabajo para dibujar bien iluminado

A tidy workspace (at least initially) will motivate you to work.

Record your progress or finished work, which, in the future, can be used to build your presentation portfolio. In these cases, it is necessary to have not only a camera and a decent space, but also good lighting.

You don’t necessarily have to be a professional photographer to achieve this. When filming or photographing your work, keep in mind that you should never turn your back to the light source.

If your desk is near a window, take the picture from the side, with one of your shoulders facing the window. This way, your body will not cast a shadow on your canvas.

It is advisable to have a lectern or some structure that allows you to tilt the sheet, since being at 90° it is susceptible to receive shadows from any object.

When you achieve an angle at which you can point your camera and obtain the desired results, remember it and have it as the designated place to take pictures.

4. Don’t be afraid of criticism

Working remotely, while taking an online course, can arouse different feelings.

There are people who have a strong self-criticism, who may dislike what you are doing, thinking that you are not following the instructions well.

It can also happen that there are people with too much self-confidence, who believe that with little effort they can accomplish the proposed exercises.

personas criticando a otra por su mal desempeño en el dibujo

Both positions are extreme and undesirable, but can occur to some degree. As in any educational field, you have to have a proactive and responsible attitude towards your work, even if it seems simple to you.

Leave the criticisms to the teachers, or to authoritative people in our environment. You, worry about doing your best.


You have seen that, although taking an online course brings many benefits, it also implies some responsibilities.

You must dedicate a reasonable amount of study time, and get the necessary materials and tools beforehand. In addition, you have to set up an adequate and tidy space to work.

This implies not only having a clean table, but also good lighting.

Finally, you have to be psychically disposed to work with commitment and seriousness. This does not mean that you cannot have fun or that you cannot take it as a hobby if you want to, but remember that none of your work will be too bad if you put all your effort into it.

Following these basic tips will be fundamental to embark on any online course, and will undoubtedly allow you to get the most out of it.

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